Most Best Advantages Of Yandex

Best Advantages Of Yandex Yandex is a mailbox and search engine provider based in Russia that has one of the most sophisticated email applications in the world. In Russia, Yandex has 32.5% of the email market and 56% of the search engine market. It also has been actively penetrating Turkey, where it has captured 15% of the email market and 5% of the search market. Yandex has over 300 million active email user accounts. Yandex holds onto about 60+% market share in Russia for Search Engines and a few years ago (2013) was only one of four countries to where Google was not number one for market share. Yandex is Russia's answer to Google. Can give you data and you can rank and it just like any other search engine however it is specific to Russia. Yandex is a portal . Yandex is the largest media destination in all of Russia and for many Russians, is where they begin their day. In fact, Yandex is the largest media property in al...